GST - Lampiran


GST Detail 2
GST Detail 2
Download Template
GST Different Post Date and Tax Date Exception Report (FS)
GST Different Post Date and Tax Date Exception Report (FS)
Download Template

Download Invoice And Other Printing Formats


How to print/preview the GST Detail 2?

  1. Go to GST
  2. GST Listing
  3. Click "Apply" and print

How to print/preview the GST Different Post Date and Tax Date Exception Report (FS)?

  1. Go to GL
  2. Print Journal of Transaction Listing
  3. Click "Apply" and print
(FS - FAST REPORT) Improve the performance of this report
Note: Please download and install the latest SQL Accounting (version 708 and above) for report templates to be compatible.

GST Lampiran

GST Lampiran B - 0 P.T.GST BIL.2B ATS
GST Lampiran B - 0 P.T.GST BIL.2B ATS
Download Template
GST Lampiran A1 Penyata Bulanan bagi Pembekalan Barang Siap berkenaan ZRE dan ZRL
GST Lampiran A1 Penyata Bulanan bagi Pembekalan Barang Siap berkenaan ZRE dan ZRL
Download Template

Download Invoice And Other Printing Formats


How to print/preview the GST Lampiran B - 0?

  1. Go to Purchase
  2. Print Purchase Price History
  3. Tick "Tax" under Group/Sort By
  4. Click "Apply"

How to print/preview the GST Lampiran A1?

  1. Go to Sales
  2. Print Sales Price History
  3. Select the data range, eg. 01/10/2015 - 31/10/2015
  4. Tick document types: Invoice and Cash Sales only
  5. Select the tax parameter: ZRE and ZRL only
  6. Click Apply
Note: Please download and install the latest SQL Accounting (version 708 and above) for report templates to be compatible.